400 years of history



Famille_Louis_Guizard_1910.jpg      Louis Guizard family 1910


It was at the end of the 16th century that Marquet Guizard made a name for himself in Lavérune. He will be the first wine grower of 12 generations, all of whom have shared a common passion for their "terroir".

In 1622, Anthoine Guizard established contact with Louis XIII, King of France, who put up his commanding headquarters in Lavérune, with the aim of capturing Montpellier from the hands of the Protestants. Although this stop was motivated by strategic reasons, it also served to cheer up the troops by providing them with Saint Georges d’Orques wine. In 1711, Prince Stuart of Wales, also got the taste for these local wines.

The fame of St Georges d’Orques’s wines was so great that they were soon exported to America. Thomas Jefferson, American Ambassador to France who later became President of the United States, took the lead and used to serve them at his table as early as in 1787.

In 1804, Jean Guizard, known as “La Treille” (climbing vine), who was the Mayor of Lavérune, sent his congratulations to Napoleon, on behalf of the Commune of Lavérune, when he became Emperor.

In 1815, Stalisset-Antoine Guizard, who contributed to the prosperity of the Domaine and distinguished himself by offering his services to the Bishop of Montpellier, was decorated with the Fleur de Lys upon a decree by his Royal Highness, Monseigneur the Duke de Berry, son of Charles X.

Starting from 1875, Louis Guizard, who shared his time between his career of magistrate and the management of the Domaine, converted the Cardinal emeritus of Montpellier, Monseigneur de Cabrières, to the pleasures of his wines.

Our wine cellar is established in a 17th century building, in the heart of the village of Lavérune, which is today located in the outskirts of Montpellier. The cellar known as La Ménagerie, is an outbuilding of the Chateau of Lavérune, which previously was the summer residence of the bishops of Montpellier, one of whom was Joachim Colbert de Croissy, the nephew of well known Colbert, Minister of Louis XIV.

Domaine Guizard is referenced on a web site dedicated to the family businesses which have existed for centuries, and we are among the 20 oldest wine growers in France. To visit this web site (in French only, sorry...), please click on logo below.